Résultats: 55
Établissement d'origine Établissement destinataire  
New Brunswick Community College University of New Brunswick - Fredericton Campus  
Document Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT)
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLS)
The BMLS degree requires completion of the MLT program either prior to or after completion of 84 credit hours of courses at UNB. For graduation, students must have completed the UNB portion of the degree as well as 2.5 years of the MLT program at NBCC-SJ
Document GEOT1008
Document Civil - Highway & Municipal
CE2113 Soil Mechanics I
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Equivalent courses from NBCC's Civil Engineering Technology programs into the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering) program at UNB
New Brunswick Community College University of New Brunswick - Saint John Campus  
Document Two-Year Diploma with a focus in Accounting
Bachelor of Applied Management in Accounting
Students must have successfully completed the two-year Business Administration program with the Accounting Option at the New Brunswick Community College (NBCC), or an equivalent program, with an average of 70%. Eligible students receive 60chs (two years)
Document Any Two-Year Diploma
Bachelor of Applied Management
Students must have successfully completed a two-year diploma from a recognized college, with an average of 70%, and no grade below 65% in specific courses identified by the Faculty of Business at UNB Saint John. Eligible students receive 60chs (two years)
University of Prince Edward Island University of New Brunswick - Fredericton Campus  
Document Engineering Diploma
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BScEng) (Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical) to the equivalent of 80ch
Avis - Puisque certains des renseignements affichés dans ce site proviennent de sources externes, CampusNB n’en garantit pas l'exactitude dans la présente base de données. Il se peut que les mises à jour, corrections ou changements récemment effectués n'y figurent pas. Le fait qu’un cours apparaisse dans la liste ne garantit pas qu’un autre établissement en reconnaîtra les équivalences. La décision finale de reconnaître des unités (crédits) revient à la faculté concernée, en collaboration avec le Bureau de la registraire. Certains cours qui ne figurent pas dans ce site pourraient encore faire l’objet d’une reconnaissance. Cette base de données ne peut servir qu'à titre d'information seulement. Veuillez donc ne pas appuyer vos décisions en matière de formation uniquement sur l’information qui se trouve dans ce site.