Résultats: 55
New Brunswick Community College |
St. Thomas University |

Diploma in Youth Care Worker
Bachelor of Arts
Graduates of the New Brunswick Community College's two-year Youth Care Worker diploma program are eligible for a maximum of 27 credit hours towards the Bachelor of Arts Degree Program.

Diploma in Youth Care Worker
Bachelor of Applied Arts (Criminal Justice)
Graduates of the New Brunswick Community College's two-year Youth Care Worker diploma program are eligible for a maximum of 60 credit hours towards the Bachelor of Applied Arts (Criminal Justice) Degree Program.

Diploma in Criminal Justice: Police Foundations
Bachelor of Arts
Graduates of the New Brunswick Community College's two-year Criminal Justice: Police Foundations diploma program are eligible for a maximum of 30 credit hours towards the Bachelor of Arts Degree program.

Diploma in Criminal Justice: Corrections
Bachelor of Arts
Graduates of the New Brunswick Community College's two-year Criminal Justice: Corrections diploma program are eligible for a maximum of 30 credit hours towards the Bachelor of Arts Degree program.

Diploma in Human Services
Bachelor of Arts
General university policies will apply with respect to transfer credits for the Bachelor of Arts program.
New Brunswick Community College |
Université de Moncton |

Civil Engineering technology
Baccalauréat en ingénierie (Génie civil)
jusqu'à 30 crédits
New Brunswick Community College |
University of New Brunswick - Fredericton Campus |






Civil - Construction Management
CE3603 Construction Engineering I
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Equivalent courses from NBCC's Civil Engineering Technology programs into the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering) program at UNB


Civil - Highway & Municipal
CE5212 Technical Elective
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Equivalent courses from NBCC's Civil Engineering Technology programs into the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering) program at UNB




Civil - Construction Management
ENGG1003 Engineering Tech Comm
ENGG1015 Design & Problem Solving
ENGG1001 Engineering Practice
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Equivalent courses from NBCC's Civil Engineering Technology programs into the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering) program at UNB




Civil - Building Systems
ENGG1001 Engineering Practice
ENGG1015 Design & Problem Solving
ENGG1003 Engineering Tech Comm
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering)
Equivalent courses from NBCC's Civil Engineering Technology programs into the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil Engineering) program at UNB
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